Monday, November 14, 2011

Talking to a Doctor over the Web 2.0 and The Phone

Most of the people of today who hear this seem to raise a doubt as to why would they talk to a doctor instead would prefer to see a doctor personally. However, we have been hearing another side of the stories that what is really the real thing in this regard. People not appreciating this facility is not the reason why a number of patients would have to talk with the doctors, but rather, they are not aware if this sort of facility actually exists. You can be able to find Online doctor.

For people who are hard-pressed with time, there are a part of the number of people who are talking with a  doctor to make a perfect sense, but at times, some would have to rely on guidance of friends, family or internet rather than talking to a professional. Anyone cannot be certain about all the information of website that has popped up on search query to be displaying the right information

In Delhi, Dr Rajiv Mehta, Senior Psychiatrist & Sexologist said that: we get a number of cases that are related to sexual problems and psychiatric problems being faced by young IT workers.  But a lot of times, people don't want to talk to someone face to face or even to a doctor. They are either afraid or feel embarrassed while they are talking about their sexual or mental problems. It is more to do with the social upbringing and our culture of these individuals wherein such things are still considered to be a taboo. Other than that, there are cases consulting a doctor over the phone would also cut down on the number of trips to the doctor.

At the same time, there are people from small towns and cities who don't have access to big hospitals or access to reputed doctors but can seek second opinions through web or phone and timely, talk to a specialist Doctor. This can even be done in the form of a triage that is between their family physician and consultant specialist that is over the phone along with the patient. You must Ask the doctor.

The people start using the  mobile Health services as a first line of interaction with doctor rather than personal visit, as  a number of mobile phone users that India has boasts up to is more than 700 million now, and this has contributed much more on its popularity. And today, we concede that many people still depends upon adoption of 3G and 4G technologies that will provide access for such sort of services to people. Even the follow ups would get restricted with the passage of time envisions together with the personal visits that are going to get restricted for diagnosis only.

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